Home page of Hendrik Blockeel

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Personal information

Hendrik Blockeel (PhD in Computer Science, 1998, KU Leuven) is a full professor ("gewoon hoogleraar") at KU Leuven. From 2007 till 2016 he was also affiliated with Leiden University. His research interests include theory and algorithms for machine learning and data mining in general, with a particular focus on relational learning, graph mining, probabilistic logics, inductive knowledge bases, and applications of these techniques in the broader field of computer science, bio-informatics, and medical informatics.

Prof. Blockeel's main research results up till now include:

An up-to-date list of publications is available here (generated from the Lirias publication repository).
See this detailed CV for a more complete overview (updated July 2014) of current and past activities.

Prof. Blockeel is a member of the DTAI research group (Declarative Languages and Artificial Intelligence). Please visit the DTAI website for information on the group's research, job opportunities, etc.


Hendrik Blockeel
KU Leuven, Department of Computer Science
Celestijnenlaan 200A - bus 2402, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
tel. +32 16 32 76 43; fax. +32 16 32 79 96
e-mail: Hendrik.Blockeel-cs.kuleuven.be (change - to @)