Prolog Portability and Standardization

Paulo Moura
Universidade de Beira Interior

Editor: Roberto Bagnara

I've been asked by Roberto Bagnara, "implementation area editor" for this newsletter, to write an article on Prolog portability problems  and solutions. This would be a followup to my first newsletter article, published on May 1999. However, the present text turned out to be more political than technical. For a good reason. Six years later, what has changed? Not much, I'm afraid. Sure, several Prolog compilers, specially open-source ones, improved their compatibility with the Part I of the ISO Prolog standard. However, there is still no  certification process in place or widely accepted conformance tests that a programmer may use and rely on when porting its Prolog applications.

Part I of the ISO Prolog standard can be considered a minimalist standard. Considering the amount of work needed to conciliate often disparate views and reach consensus, problems so typical of standardization processes, that is understandable. Nevertheless, the current standard is too minimal to prevent many of the portability problems we face today, due to the diversity of solutions to perform even the most basic tasks such as consulting Prolog code or accessing the underlying operating system. This is compound by another problem: lack of an widely accepted way of extending the core language in a controlled way. That is, namespaces, which can be implemented using either modules or objects. Namespaces is a key feature in the implementation of a rich set of Prolog predicate libraries. Mature, wide-covering libraries are instrumental in language adoption. Where would be Java without its APIs? In 2000, ISO published a specification for a Prolog module system. Problem is, the proposed module system is incompatible with current practice and, as such, is basically being ignored by almost all Prolog implementors.

As of today, no revision of the Part I of the ISO Prolog standard was been published, trying to re-conciliate it with current practice. The 1999 standard does not include widely used predicates that most people, programmers and vendors alike, would expect to be there. Examples are predicates such as compare/3, callable/2, retractall/1, or sort/2, which are built-in predicates on almost all Prolog compilers. There are also some strange omissions such as a numbervars/1 write option with no specification for a numbervars/3 predicate. The set of ISO specified predicates is to small and limited for many applications, especially for those that need to interface with the operating-system, other languages, GUI toolkits, or the Internet. The lack of standard (or de facto standard) libraries means that portability of Prolog applications is often limited to one (running our Prolog code using a single compiler but on several operating systems may raise portability problems on its own) or just a few compilers. For those of us following the recent history of the rise and fall of several Prolog compilers, this is a scary prospect when we try to sell a Prolog solution to an industry customer or even to deploy it in an academic environment. This state of affairs also leads to the lack of skilled human resources as logic programming struggles to survive in academia curricula under the pressure of better marketed, more mature, standardized, and widespread programming languages and programming paradigms.

Meanwhile, Prolog implementers have been busy improving and adding useful features to their compilers. These features allows Prolog to keep a foothold on some niche markets (e.g., constraints) or to compete in more level terms with other programming alternatives for innovative applications (e.g., semantic web). I will focus here on only two of such features: threads and Unicode. A number of Prolog compilers already include support for multi-threaded programming.  Some others are being heavily hacked to become fully multi-threaded.  In most cases, the multi-thread support is similar enough such that the corresponding built-in predicates and semantics are likely candidates for standardization. Now, rather than later, would be a good time to try to reach some common ground, before another useful Prolog feature further contributes down the road to the balkanization of the language implementations. The same goes for Unicode. A few Prolog compilers already support source files using Unicode encodings. Finally! Problem is, each one does it in its own way. Some time ago, I have written a Logtalk example that contains a table of "Hello world!" messages in nine different languages, including Greek, Simplified Chinese,
Russian, and Korean. Unfortunately, this particular example only runs on one of the Logtalk supported Prolog compilers. The idea that Prolog programmers all around the world should limit themselves to using ASCII in their programs is plain ridiculous. In my personal case, I want to be able to use accented characters in my code without resorting to tricks and without fearing my applications break down when using some other Prolog compiler on a different operating-system.

Strong standards go a long way in minimizing portability problems. In turn, they can lead to mature libraries, bootstrapping application development through code reuse. It is important to stress that Prolog standardization is, above all, a community problem, far behind the few people with the resources and the opportunity to be directly involved in the ISO standardization committees. As such, it needs to be community-driven. Ignoring current practice and failure to seek and gather feedback from users in the draft stages of future Prolog standards are two errors that must be avoided. There are available today some wonderful web-collaboration tools. Let's put them to good use.