Conference announcements

Call for Participation -
Object-Oriented Programming with Ada 95 (Tutorial)

From: (Alfred Strohmeier)
Newsgroups: comp.object,comp.lang,comp.lang.ada,comp.programming,
Subject: Object-Oriented Programming with Ada 95 (Tutorial)
Date: 24 Aug 1995 06:34:19 GMT
Organization: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

TUTORIAL: Advanced Object-Oriented Programming with Ada 95

on Friday 6 October 1995, from 9:30 to 17:30, in Frankfurt
PRESENTERS: Stephane Barbey, Magnus Kempe, and Alfred Strohmeier,
of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
Address of contact person:
Stephane Barbey
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne / Switzerland
Tel.: +41 21 693 5243 - Fax : +41 21 693 5079
E-mail : Stephane.Barbey @


This course provides a comprehensive view of object-oriented
programming with Ada 95; it is divided in four parts.
First, it examines the new, object-oriented features of the language,
their use, and how they fit into Ada's strong type system and
genericity machanisms.  Basic object-oriented mechanisms are covered,
such as: extension, inheritance, and polymorphism.

We then show how to integrate these mechanisms into good programming
practices; topics include incremental programming, heterogeneous data
structures, mixing and sibling inheritance, and design for reuse.

We then give a complete application to demonstrate the proper use of
these features in order to design for reuse, and to transition smoothly
from Ada 83 to Ada 95.

Finally, we compare standard object-oriented idioms in Ada vs. major
object-oriented languages (e.g.  C++, Eiffel).
This tutorial is intended for anyone who wants to learn object-oriented
programming with Ada 95, or anyone who is aware of Ada 95's new
object-oriented mechanisms and wants to know how to best use them. The
tutorial may also be of interest to programmers familiar with other
object-oriented languages, in order to widen their perspective.

The tutorial is held in conjunction with the Ada-Europe
Conference. For complete information about the conference, and
accommodation, please refer to the conference announcement.

Frankfurt MARRIOTT Hotel
Hamburger Allee 2-10
60486 FRANKFURT AM MAIN / Germany
Tel.: +49 69 79 550 - Fax. +49 69 7955 2432

---------  REGISTRATION FORM FOR THE TUTORIAL  --------------
First name:

Company or Organisation:

I expect to participate in the following tutorial:
Advanced Object-Oriented Programming with Ada 95 

S. Barbey, M. Kempe, and A. Strohmeier, 
  Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne)
to be held on Friday 6 October 1995, from 9:30 to 17:30
(Fee per participant: 1700 FF - Lunch included)

Please cross the appropriate box for payment:
o  By Credit Card (VISA or American Express). Please indicate here your
   Card No.............................. Expiration Date:............
   Signature: .....................................
o  By cheque to the order of EUROSPACE payable in a French Bank to be sent to:
EUROSPACE - 16 bis, avenue Bosquet - 75007 PARIS, France
o  By bank transfer in French Francs to
   EUROSPACE ADA IN EUROPE, Account No 24 077 51
   CIC Paris - Agence Bosquet - 16 ter avenue Bosquet - 75007 PARIS
   Charges on bank orders shall be borne by the sender.
o  By cash at the tutorial (in French Francs only)
Date                      Signature

Please send the registration form to the conference organizer:
Ms. Rosy PLET, Public Relations
16 bis, avenue Bosquet
Tel. +33 (1) 45 55 83 53    Fax. +33 (1) 45 51 99 23

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Last update: 95/08/24.

Dirk Craeynest