Daniel De Schreye's Home page

Address: Department of Computer Science, Celestijnenlaan 200 A, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium.

Phone: +32 (0)499 233115

Email: Danny dot DeSchreye at kuleuven dot be

I am retired. My main activity now is the study of the history of AI, including recent history. I am interested in giving presentations on his topic.

Personal history below.

My main past activities include:

Setting up, coordinating and directing the Master in Artificial Intelligence program of KU Leuven.

Setting up, coordinating and directing the Master in Digital Humanities program of KU Leuven.

Member of the management board of the Faculty of Science of KU Leuven.

Chairman of the examination board for the Master in Toegepaste Informatica.

Chairman of the examination board for the Advanced Master programs of the Faculty of Engineering.

Chairman of the examination board for the Advanced Master of Digital Humanities.

Ex Vice-Head of Department and Ex PR-coordinator for the Department of Computer Science , K.U.Leuven.

Area editor for Logic Programming for the ACM Transactions on Computational Logic ToCL .

Research interests: Programming Languages, Formal Analysis of Programs, Termination- and Non-Termination Analysis of Programs, Declarative Programming, Automated Program Transformation, Co-routines, Constraint Programming, Music Generation.

Below are the pages with powerpoint slides and related MS Word documents for the courses I teached in the past at K.U.Leuven.

Careful: the current versions of these course are NOT based on this material!!

Material for the OLD (history) versions of:

Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence

Artificiele Intelligentie

Artificiele Intelligentie KULAK


Scripting Languages